

When you provide personal information to Shoal Bay Tennis Club Inc (SBTC) you agree that this will be used by SBTC, Tennis Australia (TA) and otherAustralian Tennis Organisations under the terms of this statement, and the tennis privacy policy located at , which contains information about how you or any other person named in the ‘Family/Junior’ section of this application form, may access and seek correction of your personal information or complain about a breach of your privacy, and how we will deal with that complaint.

If you do not agree, you must not provide your personal information, and you may be unable to access all of SBTC, TA and other Australian Tennis Organisations products and services.

SBTC, TA and other Australian Tennis Organisations may disclose your personal information to other parties, including our related companies, other Australian Tennis Organisations, and third parties who provide us services. From time to time, these third parties may be located (and therefore your personal information may be disclosed) overseas, including to the USA and the Netherlands and as otherwise specified in the tennis privacy policy. SBTC, TA and other Australian Tennis Organisations may use and disclose your personal information for direct marketing purposes regarding the products and services you are signing up to receive, unless you opt-out (which you can do at any time in accordance with the tennis privacy policy).